Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy is pleased to offer direct billing to many insurance companies, for Osteopathy and Physiotherapy services. Once you provide us with your extended insurance/benefits information*, we will be able to submit your treatment fees directly to the insurance company for reimbursement – saving you time and reducing your out-of-pocket expenses! There may be a remaining amount you will need to pay, depending on your individual insurance coverage. We will provide you with a receipt for the remaining amount paid.
Please be aware that we can’t guarantee direct billing at every appointment due to issues outside of our control (issues with individual benefits plans, incorrect/outdated insurance information, technical problems with the claim submission software, etc.). If any issues arise, you will need to contact your insurance company for further instructions or information. Our administrators cannot help you with issues related to your insurance plan. In the event that direct billing claim submission is unsuccessful, you will need to pay the full amount of the appointment, at the time of the appointment.
*Information required in order to facilitate direct billing:
- Insurance company name
- Plan, Policy or Group number
- ID, Member, or Certificate number
- Name and birthdate of the insured (if you are insured under a spouse’s or parent’s plan)
- In some cases, we may also need to know the specific injury you are coming in for
Please note: Unfortunately we are unable to provide coordination of benefits (billing to two different insurance plans/companies at one time).
Insurance Companies we are able to direct bill to:

Please note: At this time, we cannot bill directly to Sunlife, Greenshield, and/or Empire Life insurance companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does direct billing work?
Once you provide us with your extended insurance/benefits information (insurance company name, plan/policy number, certificate/ID number, name of the insured and birthdate), we can then submit treatment claims directly to insurance through our clinic software. Our clinic software will promptly indicate how much your insurance plan will cover for that treatment, and any remaining amounts that you will need to pay in the clinic.
Will I have to pay for my appointment?
You will need to pay for any amount that is not covered by your insurance plan.
What services can you direct bill for?
Currently, we can directly bill insurance for Osteopathy and Physiotherapy services.
What if I'm covered under my parent's/spouse's insurance plan - can you still bill directly?
Yes, but we will need your parent's/partner's/spouse's full government name, their date of birth, and their insurance information (insurance company name, plan/policy number, certificate/ID number).
Can you bill two different insurance plans/companies for my treatment?
No. At this time, our software, along with the various insurance companies they work with, do not allow us to bill more than one insurance plan/company for one treatment. You will need to pay the remaining balance in the clinic, and then we will provide you with a receipt for that amount that you can then submit to the second insurance plan/company.
Will I get a receipt for my appointment?
You will get a receipt only for the remaining portion that you pay in the clinic. We can print the Explanation of Benefits statement, generated by our clinic software, if you would like a copy.
What information do you need from me in order to start direct billing to my insurance?
We will need a few key pieces of information in order to facilitate direct billing. We will need to know your insurance company name, your policy/plan number, your certificate/member/ID number, and the full name and birthdate of the insured individual (either yourself, or your spouse/partner/parent if you're covered under their plan).
Can you check my exact coverage or how many visits I have covered?
No. Our software's direct billing integration is designed for us to submit claims in real time. It works very similar to a credit card terminal – it can collect the payment, but it can’t check the card balance.
If you want to check your coverage, remaining balance, deductible or other benefits-related policies, please contact your insurance provider directly.