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For New Patients Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy

Please print and fill in the following forms, and bring them to your initial appointment. Thank you! 

Patient Intake Forms

Patient Intake Forms (Fr)


Exercises and Stretches


Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports TherapyWorkplace Ergonomics   

WorkWise Stretches

WorkWise Exercises

Stretches for Runners

Plank Exercises


Dynamic Stretching for Warm Up (Videos)

Massage Using Foam Roller, Lacrosse/Tennis Ball and Stick (Videos)

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Concussion Resources

Click Here to learn more about concussion treatments available at Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy.

Parachute is a national non-profit organization with a goal of working towards an injury-free Canada through injury prevention and injury risk reduction.   Parachute  provides concussion information, resources, prevention tips, and more, and their website has valuable resources for physicians, patients, parents and care givers regarding the management of concussions.

Concussion resources are available through the Parachute Canada Website.

Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports TherapyParachute also has information specifically for:

Athletes with concussions

Parents of children/teens with concussions



The 6-step Return To Play Guideline is a great resource for any athlete looking to return to sports in a safe and healthy way following a concussion.

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Articles and Handouts

Hydration Guidelines for Heat:  HTML   PDF

Understanding Osteopenia & Osteoporosis:   PDF   

Travel Tips - How to stay active while travelling:    PDF

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Professional Colleges and Associations

Ottawa Osteopathy & Sports Therapy is proudly partnered with the following organizations:

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Is your organization looking to have a qualified speaker give a talk on a specific topic, such as sports injury prevention, concussions, or understanding the osteopathic approach? Our staff is available to provide educational seminars to small or large groups!

Check out our Seminars page for more information.


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Muse wearable EEG device 

Meditation made easy.  Improve the effectiveness of your mindfulness practice with real-time biofeedback, guided audio and the power of the latest research. For more information or to purchase a Muse device, click here.

Head mounted laser 

Head mounted laser is an important tool for correcting a functional vision or proprioceptive deficit after a concussion. Get 10% off with our affiliate code (AFFILIATECOURSE-UI4WFU) or simply click this link. For more information or to purchase a Head mounted Laser, click here.

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